Let’s Go Home explores the concept of home through imagery portraying domestic spaces, loved ones, intimate objectsand homelandrepresentations that allude to feelings of comfort or familiarity. From Brian Reeds ceramic sculpture of his late father to Jean Wilson’s paintings of an air conditioning unit and a breakfast sceneand, even, Jairo Granados-Cardenass intimate photograph of his father’s handmade wrench cross, the works in this exhibition examine the emotional architecture that shapes one’s notion of home. Here, the concept of home expands beyond the confines of the everyday and the place where one sleeps to explore the idea of homas an emotional connection to people or places near or far away. Let’s Go Home challenges us to, not only consider a wider lens for the concept of home, but how others may experience it and how vast those differences can be. Despite those differences, however, we can empathize with each other through the understanding that lived experiences can be the driving force of what connects people to the comforts of home.