Jairo Granados-Cardenas – David Krueger with Ben Marcus – Brian Reed – Ricky Willis – Wesley Willis – Jean Wilson – Carina Yepez – Marvin Young

Opening Reception
November 22, 2024
5-8:00 pm


Chris Austin
Picture Within a Painting, 2018
Acrylic inkjet and wood on canvas
48 x 36 in.

Let’s Go Home explores the concept of home through imagery portraying domestic spaces, loved ones, intimate objectsand homelandrepresentations that allude to feelings of comfort or familiarity.



*****Guest curated by Christina Stavros of Intuit: The Center of Intuitive and Outsider Art

Christina Stavros received a Masters in Art History from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2023, and a BFA in Printmaking and minor in Art History from the Pennsylvania State University in 2014. Stavros’ lifelong passion for the arts led her to Intuit in 2016, where she is now the Chief Registrar and Assistant Curator. She continues to practice artmaking through linoleum printing, sewing, and other mixed media work.