Brian Reed American, b. 1972

Born in 1972, Brian Reed’s art practice is guided by his inquisitive nature. The contemplative quality of his artwork extends a feeling of intimacy to the viewer, as we observe the result of his exploration of the people who inspire him and the animals that intrigue him. Reed experiments fearlessly with materials and continually welcomes new challenges. This is most evident in his three-dimensional works constructed with a variety of mediums. The resulting forms are at once brutal and elegant. Brian’s affinity for acquiring new skills extends to teaching. Reed is a member of the agency’s educator track, and shares art skills in a variety of settings. His work has recently been included in Perceptions of Flow: Formation at Evanston Art Center and Text(ure(al) guest curated by Matt Bodett.

“It makes me happy because I like working with my hands. I like the way I use them. I like being with people while making art. I have so many friends from here.”