Christina Zion American, b. 1983

Known for her comics and characters, Zion is a true storyteller. Her work immerses viewers into a world of action, excitement, and depth. She takes pride in her careful process, thoughtfully translating imagery from imagination or reinventing pop culture references using her preferred materials – graphite, markers, colored pencils, or acrylic on paper. Ever-evolving in its complexity, her body of work is a narrative that unfolds one chapter at a time. Zion is also featured on the Arts of Life Band’s 2017 album Kinda Weirdy.


“My books tell a story. I plan it out and change my sketch into a final project. I get my ideas from pictures. I choose one that inspires me and I work from the image, but add more to it. I use pencil and then a fine line Sharpie to go over the pencil lines. I add color last. I work hard and make sure I pay attention to every detail. I want everything to be perfect and neat.”