Danny Frownfelter American, b. 1979

Danny Frownfelter continually maintains a zealous and independently driven art practice. Inspired by dramatic narratives, his subject matter often explores dichotomies of religion and the destructive forces of super villains. His flair for the theatrical is realized using high contrast, bold brushstrokes and subjects gazing directly at the viewer.

“I am making art 6 years. My heart. It’s good and ticking.”

Frownfelter’s sketching practice continues to thrive, and he consistently creates lush and detailed sketches prior to embarking on a final piece. His marks are frequently visible in the finished piece, offering clues about the enthusiasm of his making practice.

“Lots of people love my art. People look at my paint. Make me happy. Your art [is] supposed to make you happy. My life.”

Frownfelter is also a singer for the studio band, Van Go Go.