Amanda Gantner b. 1983

Amanda Gantner possesses a tenacious dedication to expanding her art practice. Experimentation and risk taking in her artwork has paid off in dividends as witnessed by the broad level of success she has attained across mediums.


"The Mind. It takes time. When I first came here my voice was down. Now it is better. A lot better because the voice is loud."


The subtle nuances of light and meticulous blending inhabit her impressionistic drawings, while her lively abstract paintings burst with energy through vibrantly contrasting hues.


"Get messy. More splatter. I don't care. I want to do that. It wakes you up."


Gantner is a nationally exhibited artist whose artwork has been included on branding for Middlebrow Brewery, corporate and private collections and agency merchandise. She was also selected as the North Shore studio's 2019 artist of the year!