Jack O'Sullivan American, b. 1992

Jack O’Sullivan carefully plans each work and renders them with equal precision. His ability to memorize and recall visual source imagery results in representational works that are executed with equal parts exactitude and singularity. His realist works are meticulously crafted, but remain fresh due to the fantastical nature of subject matter that traverses a wide range of time in the context of science fiction and foreign locales.

“To memorize and to thinking. Try to see a picture. I have to memorize thinking of possible things. Like a picture of image. Thinking is good. I try to imagine how I am going to draw a picture.”

O’Sullivan works adeptly across mediums and skillfully adapts his approach based on the materials he’s chosen. He works in with intention, fully absorbed in the process. Upon emergence, he revels in the pleasure of seeing the visions in his mind realized on canvas.

“Thinking. It’s the energy. It’s life force energy. It’s a fascinate technology way beyond our own. I remember to see my project of this wonder.”